🇬🇷 Greece - Ariadne
🇮🇹 Italy - Eurelations Geie
🇷🇴 Romania - SC TECHNOG SRL
🇱🇻 Latvia - Ecological Future Education
🇷🇴 Romania Asociatia Socio-Culturala "Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul"
🇹🇷 Tukey - Akhisar Halk Egitim Merkezi ve Aksam Sanat Okulu
🇸🇮 Slovenia - Ljudska univerza Zavod za izobrazevanje odraslih in mladine Lendava

Nowadays technology has changed so much that no matter which bakery you enter, Italian one, Greek or Turkish, it looks absolutely the same. There are several bakery equipment manufactures in Europe and all the bakeries buy their equipment from them. On the other side the training in the domain of bakery has not changed in all European countries and by training we mean curricula, the programme, the methods, the contain of the curricula chapters and the training of the trainers. According to the bakeries and bakery equipment manufacture, bakers in today's bakeries need more IT skills and competences because most of the work is done by the machines, which they need to know how to operate.
The innovative component of our project is that we will work on improving the curricula for bakers vocational training, working together with representatives of the actual employers and manufactures of bakery technology on international level making possible for trainees to get a qualification useful and good enough on European labor market. Another new approach of the bakery curricula will be very much enriched ICT component which the employer’s value so much in today’s workers.
The objectives of the project will contribute to reach the objectives of the Strategy Europe 2020 to raise the level of the competences and skills in vocational training, to increase the level of the employment and to encourage innovation.
The target group will be composed by trainers in the domain of bakery, unqualified employees of the bakeries, people in risk to get unemployed, but also vocational school graduators who want to get a qualification in bakery.