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Erasmus+ Strategic partnership
🇱🇻 Latvia - Ecological Future Education
🇧🇬 Bulgaria - Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie 
🇮🇹  Italy - Plasticfood project centro culturale ed artistico 
🇷🇴 Romania - Asociatia InitiativaCetatenilorSeniori 
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The project focuses on long-term ecological change achieved through environmental training, blended activities among youth workers from partner organisations, and young people, including persons with fewer opportunities. It is concerned with social exclusion, promotes quality youth work, implementation of innovative youth work practices in the field of ecology involving creativity, innovation and modernisation – powerful tools for non-formal and informal education.


The aim of the project is to raise the youth awareness of ecology and circular economy.


The objectives of the project:

* to exchange good practices about circular economy culture and creativity in the environmental context;

* to promote active participation of young people with fewer opportunities in societies;

* to create the Eco Circle Handbook on good practices in the circular economy.


The results of the project: 

Eco Circle Handbook which is used by young people interested in environmental protection, thus promoting future where the circular economy is the main economy type. Hanbook is avaiable in five languages:


First transnational project meeting - Sofia, Bulgaria

During the meeting partners had the chance to meet in person and create stronger personal connection, discuss and define the common approaches and tools to be used to implement the tasks. 

The participants discussed differences in recycling systems in various countries, waste management, recycle problems in various countries, also EU regulations.

During meeting partners had a chance to attend the Exhibition Waste Management & Recycling South – East Europe.

Youth worker training - Braila, Romania

For better implementation of the project, each partner sent two participants (youth workers) for three-day-long learning activities on the topic environment, by paying special attention to the circular economy and waste reduction. 

The topic was eco-civic training for youth workers; methods of involving youth in civic events to promote circular economy; info-sessions, civic events and eco-artworkshops to support circular economy progress.​Social engagement, community building for inspiring people  –  individuals   and  communities  –  to  discover

their creative potential and cooperate across all ages, professions,  gender,  special needs,  cultural  and ethnic background through ecology; through practical workshops.​​

The workshops encourage intercultural and inter-religious dialog, cooperation among different generations and professional and ethnic groups as all participants knead together around the same table. During the circular economy, people share their artistic talents, discover their creative potential and identify the local assets (people, cultural traditions, natural resources, etc.) for problem-solving – rather than only delving into the local problems – to help one another move forward and promote co-existence through co-creation.

Participants had opportunity to visit Danube river Natural heritage wetlands reservation.

Guided tour by boat on the river to the Small Island of Braila was organised – visit to the yellow lotus area and bird sanctuary.

2nd transnational project meeting – Gubbio, Italy

During the meeting the partners discussed the progress of the project implementation, dissemination activities progress and the results of good practices collection, feedback of handbook development proposal.

During meeting partners had chance to visit a company who works in the field of circular economy: “Marche Recycling”. This company recycles used tyres and obtains from them granules, metal threads and other materials.They are one of the leaders in Italy in recycling used tyres. The owner of the company showed two plants – in one the tyres are torn apart and the materials

are  divided.  In the second plant  these  materials  are processed and various products can be made out of those, for example, the sports stadium coverings, metal parts for devices, etc. All of the process at these two plants is mechanised, and there are just a couple of people who look after everything.

More information about Marche Recycling plant –

Final transnational project meeting - Gulbene, Latvia

During final project meeting partners discussed results of the project, youth workers feedback during the mobility training sessions and local training sessions; dissemination events in each country and final reporting. During meeting partners visit to a regional Household waste landfill SIA AP “Kaudzītes” and visit to the largest municipal solid waste landfill in the Baltic States SIA “Getlini EKO”. Getlini was great example using circular economy literally turning waste into resources by manufacturing ecologically renewable energy and growing vegetables from hosehold waste. The partners

also learned about sorting process of unsorted waste in Latvia. Partners had an opportunity to get acquainted with environmentally friendly business in Gulbene county and youth entrepreneurship company SMU "Happy Bee".

Partners also explore how "Bottle Garden" turns glass bottles into art and what kind of minerals can be found in Latvia in "LatvianMinerals".


The project Eco Circle was financed with the support of European Commission’s “Erasmus+: Youth in Action” administered in Latvia by the Agency for International Programs for Youth. This publication reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.

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