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The SDGs Cards Box

Tool was created within the Erasmus+ project "SDGs Intelligence", number 2023-3-LV02-KA210-YOU-000183294.
Project aims to reconnect youth with sustainable actions by providing pathway to be part of the solution through discussions and conversations that stimulate their creativity and critical thinking.

Availability and use: 

- Online or printed verstion

- English, Latvian, German, Slovenian languages.

Target group:

- Youth workers and young people (16+).

The SDGs Cards Box is an innovative educational material that prompts critical discussions around sustainability, encourage critical thinking, stimulate meaningful conversations, and ultimately drive behavioural changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle among young people and adopting green as well as sustainable lifestyles and living.

The SDGs Cards Box contains questions-centred cards on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals to initiate critical discussions on sustainability.Tool is designed in three dimensions of sustainability (social, ecological, economic) it includes background information and question.

The SDGs Cards Box is suitable for different settings to organise workshops and engaging young people in critical and solutions-oriented discussions around sustainability.

Objectives of the SDGs Cards Box:
- to develop transversal competences in various sustainability-relevant topics, including green skills and strategies;
- to provide future-oriented innovative educational materials that better meet the needs of young individuals;
- to prepare young people to become true agents of change and build local initiatives and take sustainability actions (e.g. save resources, reduce energy use and waste, compensate carbon footprint emissions, opt for sustainable food and mobility choices, etc

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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