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🇵🇱 Poland - Fundacja Alternatywnych Inicjatyw Edukacyjnych
🇦🇹 Austria - Europäische Bildungsinitiative
🇬🇷 Greece - Challedu
🇮🇹 Italy - Associazione Culturale Eduvita E.T.S.

🇱🇻 Latvia - Ecological Future Education
🇪🇸 Spain - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Madrid-Villaverde 
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The main challenge the project addresses is little support available for the adult education providers at designing attractive and inclusive intergenerational education. The project focuses on supporting adult educators at joining various generations of adult learners in a common educational process that allows learning from each other, learning with each other and learning about each other. Among the current trends and topics of interest in education addressed by the project, important both for the young and the senior generation of learners are: language learning, taking part in educational mobilities & Erasmus Programme, EU citizenship rights, digital competences & critical thinking, responding to environmental and climate-change challenges, making education more personalised and attractive to the learners.


The aim of the project is to support the adult educators at designing, delivering and promoting more attractive and inclusive education for all generations of adult learners.


Project objectives:

  • to explore and discuss most current topics relevant for lifelong learning for all generations, supporting the educators at strengthening the key competences of the adult learners.

  • to bring together the perspectives of the young and senior adult educators and learners concerning lifelong learning to facilitate experience exchange and mutual inspiration.

  • to promote lifelong learning for all generations

  • to build social capital and promote cohesion and trust by strengthening the adult education providers offering intergenerational learning.


Project results: 

  • Two sets of conclusions concerning six challenging areas for the LLL of all generations – naming the good practices and success stories in those fields 

  • Six tested and evaluated training modules in the topics interesting & challenging for intergenerational adult educators, developed during two training events 

  • Final recommendations for more inclusive intergenerational adult education, developed in cooperation as a summary of all project experiences.


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